ICAR Best Institute Award for the year 1998
"Sardar Patel Outstanding ICAR Institution Award" for the year 2009
Groundwater Augmentation Award- 2009 of Ministry of Water Resources (GOI)
“Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Hindi Krishi Patrika Puraskar” for the year 2009
“Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Hindi Krishi Patrika Puraskar” for the year 2008
Central Soil Salinity Research Institute offers training programmes such as Reclamation and Management of Alkali Soils, Management of Waterlogging and Use of Poor Quality Water in Agriclture, Intergated Water Resource Management in Sodic and Saline Environment etc. Only district level officers and concerned subject matter expert are eligible for admission in these training programmes.
Modern College Ganeshkhind Pune